Our Pastors
Senior Pastor - Rev. Reginald “Reggie” Avant
Pastor Reginald Avant was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on Aug. 24, the third child and the oldest male of six children. He has four sisters, one of whom is deceased, and one brother. He grew up in Compton and Ontario, California. Raised by his parents and maternal grandmother (all now deceased), he grew up attending the Holiness Church (Church of God in Christ).
After graduating from Ontario High School in 1977, he went to college at Biola University in La Mirada, California, graduating in 1983 with a degree in Christian education, physical education and a minor in the Bible.
After college, he taught and coached high school in Orange County, California. He also volunteered with the youth ministry at Trinity United Presbyterian Church. Serving young men as group leader in the high school ministry was an experience that forever changed his life. It was during this time that he clearly heard God's call.
In the fall of 1985 he entered Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary in South Hamilton, Massachusetts. He graduated from San Francisco Theological Seminary with a Master’s in Divinity in 1991.
In 1993, after being ordained by the San Francisco Presbytery to the Ministry of Word and Sacrament in Oakland, California, he served as an associate pastor at Elmhurst Presbyterian Church.
He has lived in many places in the United States, and, in addition to being an associate pastor, has been head pastor, chaplain (hospice, palliative care, staff), bereavement coordinator and a restaurant manager (‘another story for another time,’ he said).
In 2006 he met his partner, Jason Driscoll, in San Diego California. In July of 2008 they moved to Atlanta, Georgia, where they lived for nearly 13 years. Pastor Reggie’s family, which includes Moses, their eight-year-old golden retriever, is looking for a place in the Seattle area, preferable close to Madrona Grace, to call their new home.
After coming out in 1996, Pastor Reggie resigned from his position at his church in Oakland. Pastor Reggie’s public acknowledgment was a very difficult and painful experience. However, God was moving in his life. Pastor Reggie said that one day he clearly heard the voice of God speak to him these words from Psalm 139, “You are fearfully and wonderfully made.” After years of trying to heal from being gay, at that moment he was able to accept himself as the man God created him to be.
Parish Associates
Rev. Lawrence (Larry) Low
Pastor Associate, was a prior interim pastor of Madrona Grace for two years. In addition to teaching adult bible school and filling in the pulpit when necessary, he is also our steadfast social hour volunteer! Pastor Larry also provides pastoral care and visitation to those who may be having health issues.
Rev. Skip Viau
(www.skipviau.com) has served as a pastor at three Presbyterian congregations in the Seattle area (John Knox, Wallingford, and Capitol Hill) and another in Satellite Beach, FL (Trinity). Skip has a controlled bipolar condition. This, along with parenting two sons and post-graduate studies in marriage and family counseling, has strengthened his skills as a pastoral caregiver. He offers leadership for our retreat ministry and the Madrona Commons. In addition, Skip is an accomplished singer and pianist and a world traveler.
Rev. Marsha Cutting
lives on Bainbridge Island. When she is not out sailing she spends her time administering psychological assessments and making use of “Buy Nothing Bainbridge” to organize the Re-Sail project.
Connect: Got an idea that you want to share? Email admin@madronagrace.org. Want to talk in person? Give us a call at (206) 317-4641. We look forward to meeting you.
In the meantime, may God bless you in your wandering and wondering.